
This module contains the base HUD (Heads Up Display) object

Class HUDBase

This class is a parent class for all HUD (Heads Up Display) objects
There is no requirement to use this base for a HUD

__init__(self, screen_parent, x: float, y: float, w: float, h: float, font = , background_color: tuple = (255, 255, 255), left_padding: int = 5, middle_padding: int = 10)

Parameter screen_parent: the screen which contains this object
Parameter x: x draw position
Parameter y: y draw position
Parameter w: hud width
Parameter h: hud height
Parameter font: the Pygame font to render text in
Parameter background_color: the background color of the HUD
Parameter left_padding: the padding between the left of the screen and the first item
Parameter middle_padding: the padding between different elements in the HUD

add_image(self, name: str, ref_name: str = None)

This method adds any image from the image store to the HUD
The image will be scaled down to be as tall as the HUD
Parameter name:
Parameter ref_name: a name to uniquely reference this HUD element if you need to access/replace the text later
If not specified you will not be able to access the text

add_surface(self, surf: Surface, ref_name: str = None)

This method adds any Pygame surface to the HUD
The surface will be scaled down to be as tall as the HUD
Parameter surf:
Parameter ref_name: a name to uniquely reference this HUD element if you need to access/replace the text later
If not specified you will not be able to access the text

add_text(self, text: str, color = (0, 0, 0), ref_name: str = None)

This method adds text to the HUD
Parameter text:
Parameter color:
Parameter ref_name: a name to uniquely reference this HUD element if you need to access/replace the text later
If not specified you will not be able to access the text

broadcast_message(self, message: typing.Union[list, tuple, str])

Broadcasts a message to all other objects on this screen
Parameter message: the message to send


Causes this object to check for collisions with other objects
If a collision is detected, the on_collide event of both objects will be triggered

class_name(self) -> str

Returns the name of the class

convert_coords(self, x: float, y: float) -> typing.Tuple[float, float]

Scales coordinates with respect to the the scaling of the screen
This is especially useful for interacting with the mouse directly

handle_input(self, keys: list, mouse: tuple, delta_t: float)

This event allows the handling of user input
This event is triggered every frame
Parameter keys: A list of keys and their states. The index of a key is its ASCII value (use pygame constants)
Parameter mouse: the state of the mouse buttons
Parameter delta_t: the amount of time (in seconds) that has passed since the last frame

on_click(self, pos: tuple, button: int)

Run this method to simulate a click on the HUD
Override this method to change the click event
If a HUD item is clicked, the on_hud_item_click event will be triggered

on_collide(self, other: GameObject)

on_create(self, args, kwargs)

This event is triggered when this object is created
It is run once and only once

on_hud_item_click(self, ref_name: str)

This event is triggered when a HUD item is clicked
Note that even non-named items will trigger this event. Their name will be a float.
Parameter ref_name: the name of the HUD item (set when added)

on_joystick_axis_motion(self, joystick, axis, value)

on_joystick_ball_motion(self, joystick, ball, rel)

on_joystick_button_down(self, joystick, button)

on_joystick_button_up(self, joystick, button)

on_joystick_hat_motion(self, joystick, hat, value)

on_key_down(self, unicode, key, mod)

on_key_up(self, key, mod)

on_message_receive(self, message: typing.Union[list, tuple, str], sender)

This event is run when another object on the same screen broadcasts a message
Parameter message:
Parameter sender: the sender of the message

on_mouse_button_down(self, pos, button)

on_mouse_button_up(self, pos, button)

on_mouse_motion(self, pos, rel, buttons)

on_move(self, dx: float, dy: float)

on_screen_enter(self, previous_screen: str)

on_screen_leave(self, next_screen: str)

remove_item(self, ref_name: str) -> Surface

Removes the specified item from the HUD
Parameter ref_name: the name of the HUD item (set when added)

render(self, buffer: Surface)

Draws the HUD and all contained elements to the specified buffer

show_dialog_box(self, box: dialog_box.DialogBox.__class__, args, kwargs)

This method causes the screen to show a dialog box
Parameter box: the class reference to the dialog box
Parameter args:
Parameter kwargs:

update(self, delta_t: float)

This event is triggered every frame. This is where the main update code should go
Parameter delta_t: the amount of time (in seconds) that has passed since the last frame