
This module contains the base dialog box class

Class DialogBox

This class is the class all dialog boxes must inherit from

__init__(self, screen_parent: base_screen.BaseScreen, args, kwargs)

Parameter screen_parent:
Parameter args:
Parameter kwargs:


broadcast_message(self, message: typing.Union[list, tuple, str], sender = None)

Broadcasts a message
Parameter message:
Parameter sender: default is this dialog box


Re-calculates the position to draw the dialog box in order to ensure it is centered


Moves the mouse cursor to the center of the screen


Moves the mouse cursor so it is centered along the x axis


Moves the mouse cursor so it is centered along the y axis


Closes this dialog box

convert_coords(self, x: float, y: float) -> typing.Tuple[float, float]

This method converts coordinates so (0, 0) is the top left corner of the dialog box, and not the window
Parameter x:
Parameter y:

dialog_render(self, buffer: Surface)

This is the method to override for dialog box rendering


This method is responsible for creating the close button
Once the buttoh has been drawn it does not need to be drawn again
(unless you want the appearance of the button to change)

get_cursor_pos(self) -> typing.Tuple[float, float]

Returns the mouse cursor's position
The position is automatically scaled so this is the safest way to get the position

get_size(self, screen_w: float, screen_h: float) -> tuple

This method must return the width and height of the dialog box
The screen size will be provided if you wish to make the box a scaled percentage of the screen
Parameter screen_w:
Parameter screen_h:
Returns the size to make the dialog box

handle_input(self, keys: list, mouse: tuple, delta_t: float)


Hides the mouse cursor

is_showing_dialog_box(self) -> bool

Returns if there are any dialog boxes currently being displayed


This event is triggered when the screen is created
It is run once and only once

on_joystick_axis_motion(self, joystick, axis, value)

on_joystick_ball_motion(self, joystick, ball, rel)

on_joystick_button_down(self, joystick, button)

on_joystick_button_up(self, joystick, button)

on_joystick_hat_motion(self, joystick, hat, value)

on_key_down(self, unicode, key, mod)

on_key_up(self, key, mod)

on_message_receive(self, message: str, sender)

This event is triggered whenever a message is sent
Parameter message:
Parameter sender: the object which broadcast the message

on_mouse_button_down(self, pos, button)

This event is triggered when the box is clicked
Parameter pos:
Parameter button:

on_mouse_button_up(self, pos, button)

on_mouse_motion(self, pos, rel, buttons)

on_screen_enter(self, previous_screen: str)

on_screen_leave(self, next_screen: str)

play_sound(self, sound: Sound, loops: int = 0, left: float = 1.0, right: float = 1.0)

Plays a sound
Parameter sound: the Pygame Sound object to play
Parameter loops:
Parameter left: the left volume to play the sound (0-1)
Parameter right: the right volume to play the sound (0-1)

For example, if left is 0 and right is 1, then the sound will only be played out of the right speaker/earphone

render(self, buffer: Surface)

This method draws the dialog box to the specified buffer

show_dialog_box(self, box: dialog_box.DialogBox.__class__, args, kwargs)

Shows a new dialog box
Parameter box: the reference to the dialog box class to show
Parameter args:
Parameter kwargs:


Shows the mouse cursor

update(self, delta_t: float)