Class SoundAssetStore

By default, loads all assets saved in assets/sounds
Images are saved with dot notation in all lowercase without the file extension

For example, the image assets/sounds/player/step.ogg would be referenced by player.step

Supported formats (.ogg is preferred):

__delitem__(self, key)

__getitem__(self, item)



__new__(cls, args, kwargs)


__setitem__(self, key, value)

count(self) -> int

Returns the number of assets in the store

delete(self, name: str)

Deletes and returns the asset with the specified name

get(self, name: str)

Returns the asset with the specified name

get_all(self, search: str = ) -> list

Returns everything in the asset store
Parameter search: the text the names must start with (or blank for everything)
Returns list of assets

get_all_names(self, search: str = ) -> typing.List[str]

Returns every name of every asset in the store
Parameter search: the text the names must start with (or blank for everything)
Returns list of names of assets

get_ignore_path(self, name: str)

get_random(self, search: str = )

Returns a random asset in the store
Parameter search: the text the names must start with (or blank for everything)

get_random_name(self, search: str = ) -> str

Returns a random asset name in the store
Parameter search: the text the names must start with (or blank for everything)

load_asset(self, path: str)

overload(self, path: str = None)

Reloads the assets
Note that this DOES NOT clear the current store. It simply overwrites whatever it finds
If a file is missing when the reload happens the original file will remain loaded
Parameter path: optional path to reload from

reload(self, path: str = None)

Reloads the assets
Note that this clears the current store and then loads everything
If a file is missing when the reload happens the file will NOT be loaded
Parameter path: optional path to reload from

set(self, name: str, asset: str)

Adds/overwrites the asset at the specified name
Parameter name:
Parameter asset: the asset